Transparency Matters. We’ve done our best to compile an up-to-date overview of all our services and how we price them. We hope this makes shopping easier for you and your family as you begin to seek out estimates across the valley.


  • Property Plans

    Gold, Silver, & Bronze

    1/4 Acre Lot - $4-7k

    1/2 Acre Lot - $6-9k

    1 Acre Lot $8-14k

    Price determined by mowing and treating difficulty, specific client requests, and amount of beds, shrubs, and trees.

  • Retaining Walls

    Segmental Retaining Wall:

    Range: $30 - $50 per sqft

    Price is influenced by quantity, product selection, access to site, excavation and any disposal needs

    Natural Stone Wall:

    Range: $40 - $60 per sqft

    Price is influenced by quantity, product selection, access to site, disposal, whether retaining or free standing, type of grout, availability of water and electric, and terrain

  • Interlocking Concrete Pavers

    Range $25-45 Per SqFt

    Price is influenced by quantity, product selection, access to site, excavation and disposal needs

  • Christmas Decorations

    For first year buyers, our minimum is a $2,000 investment, our average sits around $3-4,000. Expect 40-60% of initial cost in following years.

    Price a function of material, labor at our current rate, difficulty of installation, and site challenge, and off-season storage range.

  • Concrete Work

    Price determined by size of project, excavation and disposal fees, access and challenge of site, and design intricacies such as steps, landings, radii , and re-enforcement.

  • Drainage, Lawn Renovations & Clean Up's, Plantings, & Bed Creation

    Cost of materials, labor at our current rate, delivery and disposal charge, and equipment fees.

  • Decks, Pergolas, Pavilions, & Other Wood or Composite Structures

    Cost of materials, labor at our current rate, delivery and disposal charge, and equipment fees.

  • Spring Clean-Up, Pruning, and Mulching

    Cost of materials, labor at our current rate, and delivery fees.

  • Irrigation Install

    An irrigation install usually takes ~1 week of work. An optional maintenance program is available for all our customers, (price range 350-600 per year) this service includes spring start up and fall winterization to blowout the system. Spring services include back-flow inspection, routine assessment of all sprinkler heads to ensure full coverage of each zone, and review of controller settings. Winter services include routine sprinkler head assessment as well as winterizing your system.

    Pricing for Initial Install:

    • 1/3 Acre: $6-8,000

    • 1/4 Acre: $8-10,000

    • 1/2 Acre: $10-12,000

    • 1 Acre: $15-18,000